Good Sunday morning to all! I was presented with several difficult challenges over the past couple of weeks which brought temporary discomfort and several empowering spiritual life lessons. I allowed myself to become entangled in the nets of others and, as a result, I felt trapped and restricted---Not a good feeling!
How many times in our lives do we allow the biting words and cutting actions (nets) of others to capture us and limit us? Is it as easy to remove ourselves from the nets as it is to allow ourselves to be captured by them? Actually, I discovered it was much more difficult for me to swim out of the nets than it was to swim in and proceed to entangle myself.
I struggled and strained. My human aspect was caught in the web of deception. It exclaimed, “Fight! Tug! Pull!” And, do you know what happened? It got worse. The moment I quelled my human-self and tuned in with my spiritual-self was the point when things began to improve. My spiritual aspect cried out, “This doesn’t make sense. You got yourself entangled! You know how to untangle yourself! It’s not that hard! Why are you making it so difficult?” Still, for a while I kept flailing and fighting. The saying “The more you struggle, the tighter it gets!” certainly applied.
“So, Jean, what did you do?” You ask.
I stopped.
I prayed. I meditated. I asked God to help me because I was so stuck that I couldn’t figure out how to release myself. The tangles were so tight that I could not loosen them. What a predicament! I needed help! I had temporarily fallen back to relying on my human understanding, rather than relying on God and His understanding.
I was directed to ask others to lift me up in prayer. And so, I emailed family and friends and asked them to pray on my behalf. The response was immediate! I was amazed as I saw email after email flood back to me, expressing love and support. Tears filled my eyes as my body, mind, and spirit felt the loving embrace of so many beautiful people….EARTH ANGELS. They gently whispered to me, “Let go, Jean. Let go. We have you. Let us help you.”
And so…..I let go.
And…..The nets fell away.
And…..I was released.
Allow me to offer up, as a heartfelt thank you to my prayer warriors, the story of a whale and its CATCH AND RELEASE. Consider yourselves nudged!
Thank you, my dear friends. May God Bless You!
With Gratitude, Light, and Love,